There’s no question that not only are genuine leather handbags fashionable and stylish, but they’re tough enough to withstand everyday use over a period of years. Genuine leather products by nature tend to be more expensive than their man-made counterparts, and this can make them less appealing to some consumers. However, it is worth noting that for the price, you are getting a high-quality product that when properly cared for is not as susceptible to dirt, discoloration, snags, rips and other types of damage as bags made from other materials.
Why You Should Choose Genuine Leather Handbags
This brings up the next point: what exactly are the benefits of owning real leather handbags? Though there are quite a few reasons, below are our top five picks.
1. Sophistication
One of the hardest things to do nowadays is to select a handbag that is appropriate for the workplace. Most designer bags tend to lean towards looking trendy and flashy, but they can often clash with proper work attire. Leather handbags generally come in neutral shades, which make them ideal for matching with work clothes and allows for the appearance of added sophistication.
2. Leather Never Goes Out Of Style
If you can only own one type of handbag, make sure it’s leather! Leather will never go out of style and even years from now, you can ensure that your investment is still stylish and looks fabulous with your other clothes. When you think about it, leather can go from retro to biker and even offer someone the opportunity to look sophisticated in the workplace.
3. Lasts Longer
Since leather is naturally made from animal hide, it isn’t synthetic or in any way manmade. If you take care of your leather by keeping it out of extreme heat or sunlight, it can last a lifetime. This is simply not true for canvas or faux leather bags. By investing in leather, you are choosing to invest in quality.
4. More For Your Money
Leather does cost quite a bit more than an average trendy purse made from synthetic materials. However, it also allows you to invest in a handbag that you can get more use out of. Leather can be tough, but it all depends on the quality, type and the brand name.
5. Many Styles To Choose From
One of the most popular reasons people enjoy shopping for genuine leather handbags is simply the fact there are more options available to the consumer. You can find handbags made from leather in messenger bag styles, briefcases, hobo bags and satchels. Regardless of your personal style, you are sure to match it in leather.
How To Choose The Right Leather Handbags
As you know, leather handbags do require care from time to time to ensure that they last. For this reason alone, it is important that you select the right type of leather handbag to meet your needs. There are four general categories of leather types that can help you make the process easier and they will be outlined below.
1. Unfinished Leather
These types of handbag are made from leather that is delicate and soft. Usually, calfskin and lambskin will fall under this category. Even though these bags are stunning, they need quite a bit of extra care by using an aniline protection spray or cream to wick away moisture and oils.
2. Finished Leather
This type of leather is the most common and what you’ll generally find when a tag mentions an item is made from genuine leather. These bags are the easiest to care for and they naturally repel moisture. You can usually identify them by the smooth, satin or shiny sheen they have.
3. Nubuck Or Suede Leather
When considering suede or nubuck, keep in mind they do require extra care due to their softness. Their identifying characteristic is their appearance of being two-toned and brushed.
4. Pull-Up Leather
Bags made from pull-up leather are great at looking antiqued through the use of oils and wax. However, they can be scratched easily when coming into contact with sharp objects. However, they can age gracefully if well taken care of.
There are numerous types of genuine leather handbags to choose from and they all have their pros and cons. You will need to consider how much use you want to get out of your bag and the setting you want to use it in. Once you do that, you can rest assured you will have a stylish and sophisticated bag to last you a long time.